



It’s the easiest of cheeses to make!!   It’s fast, easy and you don’t need any special equipment.  And I guarantee that once you taste your home made version, you’ll never go back to store bought again.  You probably ask why would I make it when it’s so easily available.   And I will say to just try it once…and then you’ll experience the answer the way I did!

This recipe was shared with me by my friend Rose who is an amazing cook and extremely talented baker!  When I saw the excitement in her eyes as she was telling me that she’d just made home made ricotta for the first time and how good it was, I knew I had to try it too.

Ricotta, which means “re-cooked” in Italian, is traditionally made from the whey left over from cheese making but this delicious ricotta is made from whole cow’s milk.  You can use lemon juice, vinegar or citric acid.  In this recipe, we’re using citric acid.

What you need is

1 gallon whole or low fat milk

1 cup heavy whipping cream

1 tsp salt

1 tsp citric acid

As with any cheese you make at home, you first need to sterilise all the equipment.

Dissolve the citric acid powder in a 1/4 cup cool water.

In a large stainless-steel pot, combine the milk, cream, salt and citric acid mixture.

Warm the milk and cream over medium heat for about 30 mins until a candy thermometer registers 198 degrees F.

Turn off the heat and leave it in the pot for at least 2 hours.

Using a skimmer, ladle curds carefully into a cheesecloth lined strainer set in a bowl to catch the whey and drain for two hours or less if you like it creamy.

Yields about 2lb 4oz of ricotta.

And just like that, you have ricotta that is much much nicer than what you’ll buy in the stores!  I know you’ll like it!


4 thoughts on “Ricotta”

  1. I completely agree with you there that the quality and freshness of making your own cheese will give you the best tasting cheese ever! And things you buy outside will never measure up to the homemade one nor yours in this case! G you are the most talented baker I know! Wish I as there to taste it! Beautiful Ricotta!

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